Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Strange how spending a few years in an undergraduate program can mold thinking.

Looking at past posts, they really reflect little of my personality and what I think about the during the course of a day.

It contains little snippets of rantings, and only the thoughts that can be revealed without letting any common passerby into my soul.

I have a friend whose work seems to make a difference to people, He travels a great deal and seems to always have meaningful and uplifting things to write about.

I find myself stuck in a music program that isn't exactly conducive to this type of work. My work takes me many places, but I don't always feel fulfilled. I don't often feel I've made a great difference in anyone's life.

The performance world can be like that I suppose. My greatest joy comes from creating something that uplifts and heals; I've fallen miserably short in the past few years. I've been concentrating too much on me; perhaps it has been in order to keep a few readers thinking I have a sense of humor.

Perhaps it's for the sake of having a place to vent when the shallow and less-important thoughts need an outlet.

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