Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Christmas!

Christmas 2006 has come and technically gone. What really kept me sane, and in a happy, were constant self reminders of why we celebrate Christmas.

This has been the most joyful, and the most sorrowful Christmas holiday I can remember. The entire family was home! It is likely the last time we will all be together for a very long while. Jason is off to BYU-Idaho, and will be married in a few short months. Amberly is headed off to Budapest, and will be there when Mike leaves. Jared will be on his own progressive path and Ben... still a little unknown on that one, but he going to be something else! This has been the first time that I remember all of us together, completely happy. I wonder what it's like, to only have the happy part, without the sorrow or painful memories. It is actually possible? Perhaps not... either way, the search goes on. My own mind was here most of the time but I often slipped back to about the same time last year... Enough of that!

Christmas Eve was crowded! We had Muriel's family, Brian, Jared, and Ron & Anne Scott over for dinner. We all got to know Ron and Anne... They are some amazing people! Plus they have really cool accents!

The McClain's are as wonderful people as are found in these or any other parts! It was incredible to have them here with us, and I have to say... Jason is going to have the most wonderful in-laws!

Christmas Eve dinner was spread into two rooms, with lots of wonderful conversation, fires in wood burning stoves, turkey, pies, and oh so much more! Brian and I left a little early to visit his grandparents, but we made back in time for a photo shoot!
It's a full house!

The Sibs.

Hey, that's a nice hat...

Amby and Jared, and just a little Mike!

The Boys

Here we are now...Entertain us!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

There seems to be a point.

So I was here, editing, posting and all that, and I thought: why post a blog, why keep up on all of this.
Here's what I came up with:

Journals are not only a way of keeping personal records, they are also for others. and they have another invaluable benefit; they help us hold onto an identity. We live in a world that changes so fast. I find myself changing to meet the needs of others...it has been both a strength and a weakness. It works very well for short term relationships and for those that are merely aquaintances. Not so well for long term and real frendships.
I dated a wonderful girl once who taught me, whether she meant to or not, that this style, this type of journal keeping in addition to the standard diary-type journal, is very, very good thing.

I smile in amusement at my prior views on scrapbooking. I actually poked fun at those that did it! What a jerk move that turned out to be... The same girl had a great collection of scrapbooks. I found that these visual journals of events are essential for me at least to remember the good parts of past memories. It actually pained me to realize that I had few if any such records to help me separate the good from the bad in my own past.
Anyway...enough for now. As always, more to come.
This photo seems to express the way I feel today:

Friday, December 15, 2006

Brian and Megan

At Daniel's reception

19 Down 104 to go

Well semester one is done. Hurray... Now what to do with my time... Hey I know, I'll post some pics and write something!

What has happened since the last time? Not too much really. Ive counted the shows and performances that I've done in the last 8 months and it looks like the number is somwhere in the neighborhood of 50. Sheesh! All said, I've had a very good time so far.

The Chamber Choir just finished our last performance of the semester, and I actually got some pics this time!

Josh and Erika

Sarah and Joe

After dark

The one and only Jamison!

Ah yes, the memories of hitting water, spinning out at
80 Mph, several 360's, stuck in the mud, and
oh yeah, lets not forget the grass!


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This photo is just because.

School etc.

So...Here we are still in the groove. Shows, concerts, dates that don't really go anywhere...but we plod on. On a more uplifting note, It is a great time of year! parties are starting, halloween, movie nights etc. Boy was I ever missing out! Again the most bittersweet time of my life thus far. So much joy and at the same time...so much sorrow... so is life. School is easier that I ever imagined it would be. The more...eternal...problems are those that occupy my mind the most. I suppose that is the way things should be. Till next time.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

In the groove

So, it appeares that I'm in a good groove. School is generally easy. Apparently it's all about time management. And I find myself with more time that I ever planned for. Perhaps it's time to start working more? Hmmm...I kinda like it. Untill next time.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bring on the Good Times!

So, It still hasn't warmed up. I've given up on the idea of a warm September, but no matter. Things are going well and life is great! Let's see. Chamber groups rule, and music is life! How does one keep up? I suppose I'll find out.

There are those times when it comes time to examine life and decide what you really want. These times will always come and the decisions aren't always easy. The only thing then, is to make the right choice. Everything else will fall into place.

I seem to have found a new hobby. I found that I love public speaking, and it is something I plan to pursue further.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mmmm... Autumn

Holy smokes! Or Cow! Or whatever! It's freezing! Since when is it 32 degrees in mornings? Well, I suppose it has to happen sometime during the year. I have to admit, it's quite refreshing. I really do love the sweater/jacket/long sleeve/scarf season, and there is nothing quite a hot cup of soup or cocoa on a chilly morning.

School is in full swing. For some reason it is far less difficult that I had planned and so I find myself with more time to do what I had planned to give up for a while. Interesting how things work out. Time with family, friends and just time for oneself is something that should never take for granted. Profound? Perhaps, but reminders to myself are healthy.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Standard Update

Just an update... I suppose that there is not much to update so...more later.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Hey it's us!

All the bands.

Well It's finally out! Square Life magazine has published the September issue and Code: Hero is famous!!! Well, perhaps not, but it is still very, very cool! So I spend my days these days with school work and homework, and working to keep food in the fridge. Keeping busy is probably a good thing. Nineteen credits, and five performing groups will do that. Oh yeah, not to mention the recording sessions! More of those this week... Perhaps it is too busy? Hmm, very debatable. Try Http://www.thesquarelife.com Click on rock'n'rollment. You gotta love the sweater.
They are basically this same pics as above but the magazine has the articles to go with it.

School is fantastic! There is so much to learn and so much to read! Perhaps I found my place there. But one thing is sure... I LOVE it!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Here are some more summer pics

5000 feet above San Fransisco

The "Beast"

How often do you get to see this...really!

Mmmm, water

The tide comes in Monterrey


"The boys" at Freemark Abbey

Here I am, contemplative...
Ah, yes. It is the end of August, and the summer is at an end. School!!! Wow!!! I am finally enrolled in wonderful lovely handy-dandy school! A little late some say, but mostly it's just me. I really should have done this a long time ago, but, a little competitive advantage never hurt.

Well... The most bittersweet summer is at an end. So much growing, learning, and all that good stuff, and now... On to the pics!

Who dosen't love hippos!!

Monday, July 24, 2006


It seem to be that time again. The time for travel. Napa happens to be a wonderful place where family abounds and good times abound!

There have been in fact, many small vacations and trips have been going on this summer, but of course I've been somewhat "out of it." Love and the consequences of it have taken their toll. The lessons of life...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

You must ask yourself, to quote or not to quote?
Ah, the fine line between originality and plagiarism...

...to be continued.