Thursday, February 01, 2007

Shows and Goodbyes

It has been an interesting week I must say. My sister is off to Budapest in 12 weeks, Right now she is at the MTC. I miss her already! Kinda of tough when your best friend leaves for 18 months. Luckly, she is going to be using email most of the time so writing will be easy, I'll make sure to send her some real letters now and again.

In other news, Code Hero opened for Palomino on Saturday. We all pretty much agreed that it was the best show we've done! For all those who didn't make it, you'd better come next time!

I'm not sure I even remember what warm is. There are few things I dislike more than being cold all of the time, but the days are getting longer, and soon spring will be here in all of her pollinated glory! At least I enjoy watching the snow fall against the backdrop of Mt. Timpanogas... My balcony does have a pretty good view!

My hat is off to all of you piano players out there! I'm just starting and I find it very enjoyable, fun, challenging, and all of that good stuff! Add this to the other practice time, school, homework, performances, work and dance, and you've got a full day friends. I wouldn't have it any other way!

Well... enough of my thoughts for today. As always... More to come!

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