Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bells and new toys!

Interesting week no? I found myself competing in a dance competition today. It was the Cha Cha for us, and even though there were no medals, it was fun!

This week consisted of receptions, rehersals, and a valentines day that was quite memorable.
I suppose I should keep a calender of upcoming events. I'm actually really exited about it all, there are some upcoming performances that promise to host lots and lots of people. As I understand, it is going to be a full house for both performances. (This is for the Celtic group.)

I was rehearsing today, for the upcoming performances, and my eyes fell upon a new toy that I knew I just had to have! No, no, it wasn't an impulse buy. I've actually been looking for one of these for about 5 years now, and so I decided it was about time I got it (and there was much rejoicing.) Now I'll never have to worry about the feedback problems, the splitting wood, the worries about the effects of high volume on the cello. Oh yeah... the "toy" was a new cello. The performance variety. The practice variety. The silent electric variety!

In other news... I think the audition went well. There are always back up plans but if not, all is well. It would be very nice to have help with school, such things are always very appriciated.

As always, more to come.

1 comment:

Jules said...

I can't even count how many colds I've had so far, but oh well.
Great job at the dance competition! You guys were awesome.