Friday, December 15, 2006

19 Down 104 to go

Well semester one is done. Hurray... Now what to do with my time... Hey I know, I'll post some pics and write something!

What has happened since the last time? Not too much really. Ive counted the shows and performances that I've done in the last 8 months and it looks like the number is somwhere in the neighborhood of 50. Sheesh! All said, I've had a very good time so far.

The Chamber Choir just finished our last performance of the semester, and I actually got some pics this time!

Josh and Erika

Sarah and Joe

After dark

The one and only Jamison!

Ah yes, the memories of hitting water, spinning out at
80 Mph, several 360's, stuck in the mud, and
oh yeah, lets not forget the grass!


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