Sunday, December 24, 2006

There seems to be a point.

So I was here, editing, posting and all that, and I thought: why post a blog, why keep up on all of this.
Here's what I came up with:

Journals are not only a way of keeping personal records, they are also for others. and they have another invaluable benefit; they help us hold onto an identity. We live in a world that changes so fast. I find myself changing to meet the needs of has been both a strength and a weakness. It works very well for short term relationships and for those that are merely aquaintances. Not so well for long term and real frendships.
I dated a wonderful girl once who taught me, whether she meant to or not, that this style, this type of journal keeping in addition to the standard diary-type journal, is very, very good thing.

I smile in amusement at my prior views on scrapbooking. I actually poked fun at those that did it! What a jerk move that turned out to be... The same girl had a great collection of scrapbooks. I found that these visual journals of events are essential for me at least to remember the good parts of past memories. It actually pained me to realize that I had few if any such records to help me separate the good from the bad in my own past.
Anyway...enough for now. As always, more to come.
This photo seems to express the way I feel today:

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