Sunday, May 23, 2010

On to Beyond

I lost another friend last week.

He was an institute teacher and an author. He was an excellent man, a wonderful father and caring husband. I'll miss him a great deal.

I needed visit him again; I wanted to ask him some questions and talk to him for a while.

It seems that I never seem to be able to take the time I need to visit these friends. I'm always to busy it seems; there's so much for me to do - for me.

And so there are regrets. Too many what-ifs and should-haves to count, and the lesson has yet to be learned.

I really should just say what I really feel like saying. Perhaps less stress would be the result.

That's it... I'll just say what I want to say to the girl, the father, the mother, the friend, the girl who wants to be the girl, the brother, the teacher, the biggest heartbreak, and the sloth...

1 comment:

Jan said...

It's difficult to say things sometimes. Sometimes saying them make things a bit more dramatic, but it can also be good. Good luck.