Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Embrace This Day With An Enthusiastic Welcome

I don't write so personal thoughts very often; at least without some kind of cryptic shroud, but there are so many times in life when people around me show me - usually unintentionally - why we are really here.

My life is so full of blessings, opportunities, friends, family and other things that make every moment worthwhile. There are so many things in this life for which to be grateful.

So often, there isn't anything I want more than to understand every person I know. I want to see the world as they do. Trying to do this has always led to the finest opportunities and has always taught me to love each person for the elements of good in them, despite the bad in them.

1 comment:

Thins said...

This is a wonderful video, thanks for the reminder about life's positivity. : )