Here's a little story:
I was in Chilliwack, BC - a town in Canada where the air is cool, people are friendly and the mentality of the general populace is summed up in one word: Absurd.
It's too true; I have the provincial newspaper to prove it. The general sense of the population is just not that 'common sense' that should be expected of most, at least in the states. Why is that I wonder?
I was coming back from this place and decided that I needed to stop for meetings on the way to Seattle. My flight was leaving at 10:45 on a Sunday night, and I had plenty of time to go. I got onto the Church's website, looked up a meetinghouse and found dozens along the three-plus hour route to the airport.
I looked at one; hmm... that one seems ok... then another, and another until I clicked on one that looked just pleasant. I can't say what it was about this ward that stuck out while looking at my screen, but it seemed to be the best choice.
I traveled from Canadian Canadia, and arrived about 2 minutes late. There were wonderful speakers, and even a social get together after the meeting block. I got to know a whole bunch of new friends who suggested in the strongest possible terms, that I simply join their ward. I cut a deal. "How about I just stay for the baptism?" (a twenty-something young man was getting baptized that evening.)
When the socializing was drawing to a close and the food was being polished off, I found a quiet spot in the room opposite the font. I spoke to my sister-in-law just before entering, and then sat down to wait.
I had been there for about ten minutes when her (Muriel's) sister walked into the room with her husband!
"What are you doing here!" be both said one after another!
It's funny how things work; I had absolutely no idea that they lived in Washington, and what were the chances of running into them right there? After a night of games with them, and a quick drive to the airport, I thought once again of how often this kind of thing happens to me and smiled as I flew to meet her sister, and my brother on the other side of the continent.
I'm definitely watched over.