Friday, November 23, 2007

Back on the Home Front

I awoke to a balloon floating just above the treetops. Interesting...

The holidays have been wonderful! It has been a very long time since we, as a family, were able to be together for Thanksgiving. There were so many wonderful stores to tell, and so many good times to be had. We went to my aunt and uncle’s home in Lehi ate turkey and pie—this is the first year I haven’t let myself get full—played music, sang songs, and just had a chance to talk.

The emptiness is finally starting to be filled, and healing is finally here.

On another note… I have a guilty pleasure… Yes, I watch Episodes of Smallville.

I can help it if I choose, but there is something that draws me into their universe. It could be the secret desire to have some semblance of control by money or superpower… Perhaps it is the drama of all the secrecy and the thoughts of “Just tell her!” that run through one’s mind. Either way, an escape from reality is nice once in a while.

1 comment:

Honeybee said...

hehe...I forgot about smallville.