Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Birth of a Jarom

I spent my birthday at work, pretty much all day. But! I really had a wonderful birthday! I had dinner at Ruby River, and yes if you must know I did eat steak after a small round of ibuprofen/tylenol.

It was just too good to pass up!

As far as the dentist goes, I have been cheating a little. I've been on my mother's insurance plan and apparently those things run out when you are 26, and guess what today was?

So anyway, my dear mother gave me a call and asked me if I would come up to the new office and have a checkup. While there, They found a few little buggers that we lovingly refer to as cavities. We all decided it was in my best interest to get them all fixed right then and there. A few hours later, I was back in the chair and done and numb even more hours later.

Needless to say, I do have a sore mouth, but come on! It's steak!

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